CGAC Overview

CGAC Testing Overview

  1. CGAC Exam Application
    • After all steps have been completed in Certemy, MHACBO will provide you with a letter to take your IGCCB Gambling Exam
    • MHACBO cannot register you for this exam, you will need to go to ICGC-I Certification - IGCCB and select the "Enroll Now" button.  This will prompt you to login to your existing Certemy account.
    • Once you have enrolled in the IGCCB application, you can toggle between your IGCCB and MHACBO Certemy accounts by rolling your cursor over your name in the top right corner.  This will provide you a dropdown menu to toggle between accounts.
    • After you pass the IGCCB exam, you will need upload your passing scores into your Certemy Exam Score step, or email

Preparing for the Exam

Recommended Study Material for CGAC Exam

Exam composition

List of Approved Gambing Supervisors